The Naskh calligraphy style, complete, moderate, and clear.
It is one of Arabic calligraphy scripts, it belongs to the six basic scripts (that means , the origins of the rest of scripts, which are Kufi, Thuluth, Naskh, Farisi, Diwani, and Ruquaa).
It was founded by the Abbasid calligrapher and minister “Ibn Muqla al-Shirazi” at the beginning of the fourth century Hijri, so, the late 9th century AD. It was derived from the Kufic script. Then, after Ibn Muqla, many Turkish and Arab calligraphers contributed to its development until the contemporary period.
Considering that this calligraphic style helps the writer to draw with his pen more quickly than others, and that it’s distinguished by the clarity an beauty of its letters, Muslim calligraphers took care of it and wrote the Holy Quran with it since the early ages of Islam.
Naskh script’s names
Various names have been attributed to the Naskh script related to the stages of its development or its specifics, most notably:
- “Al khat Almoudawar” which means the curved or rounded calligraphy style: This was the first name that “Ibn Muqla” gave to his script, because while deriving it from the severe Kufic script, he added softness and roundness to its shapes.
- “Al-Badee” which means the splendid calligraphy style: Because it is characterized by its tenderness, remarkable stability, and good adjustment. It is most probable that the occurrence of the word “Badi’a” in Islamic calligraphy indicates quality, perfection, beauty and excellence in performance.
- “The Naskh script” which means copying script: In relative to the frequent use of calligraphers in copying and transmitting books, because it helps the writer to move with his pen more rapidly than others, as well as copying the Holy Qur’an, especially because its reader does not fall into any confusion in the similarity of its letters.
- The Atabeg Naskh script: In relation to the Atabeg (some courtiers, ministers, and Turkish leaders) who gave great importance to the improvement of this script.

Who are the most famous calligraphers and promoters of the Naskh style?
Among the Arabic calligraphy, he excelled:
- Muhammad Hosni al-Baba: Arab Damascene calligrapher.
- Mohamed Makkawi: an Egyptian calligrapher and the first to graduate from the schools for improving calligraphy in Cairo.
- Syed Ibrahim, a famous Egyptian calligrapher and poet, also, a professor of Arabic calligraphy at the Faculty of Dar Al Uloom.
- Mohamed Ibrahim: An Egyptian calligrapher and professor, he is the founder of the first calligraphy school in Alexandria.
- Hashem Al-Baghdadi: a well-known Iraqi calligrapher.
- Muhammad Taher Al-Kurdi: calligrapher and writer from Makkah, of Iraqi origin.
And many others…
What is special about the beautiful Naskh script?
The most prominent characteristic of the Naskh script, is its response to the linguistic needs which are clarity of the letters and ease of lecturing, so it doesn’t cause any confusion in the reader’s understanding of its words.
In terms of shape, the draw of its letters is dominated by roundness and equality, tending in many of its parts to a thin straightness with curved ends that need to be rubbed with a pen. In general, the Naskh script is written small, so if it is a little larger, it is called “al-Fadhah” (obvious) , and if it is a little smaller, it is called “Dakeek Naskh” (tiny).
Clear diacritical signs are necessary for Naskh calligraphic writing for drawing letters, especially the strong marks “Al-harakat” such as Kasra, Dhama, fetha, notably when writing the Holy Qur’an, despite the fact that it is easy to read even without diacritics.

Naskh script uses
We have already mentioned that it was used at the beginning of its creation in copy books, for the ease and speed of its handwriting. And for its simplicity of reading, it continues to be used nowadays in the written press in newspapers and magazines of all Arab countries. It was even developed for writing in printing presses and typewriters, and for computer optical typography, so they called it “press font”. Which made it the favorite in the midst of publishers of magazines, books, newspapers and even advertising publications of various kinds and forms to facilitate the delivery of the idea to the recipient.
They have created for the Naskh many printing types like “Bayen Police” and “Lotus Police”.
How do you write in Naskh script?
You will respond that you can just write it on your computer!
But the typographical writing of the Naskh script remains very ordinary and does not transcend the creativity of professional calligraphers in drawing a calligraphic work.
Therefore, if you are a fan of Naskh calligraphic script and want to write and design with it for a personal or business purpose, then you should use the eMashq program!
eMashq is an online program for writing and designing various Arabic calligraphy, including the Naskh, using simple tools suitable for each type of calligraphic writing so that the user doesn’t deviate from the rules and scales of the used script. All you have to do is imagine the calligraphy painting and get creative. Next, draw it like a certified calligrapher, then export your work or share it with your friends, colleagues and clients.
eMashq provides you with over 6000 forms of letters in the Naskh script to divert your design from the usual and familiar computer scripts.
eMashq offers to you the experience of its designers and tools that are perfectly suitable to the Naskh stype, the most important of which is the tool of shape editing, that enables you to have different alternatives for the same letter.

Furthermore the vertical elongation of the letters, until you pass the upper letters such as Alif and Laam from the usual dimensions to different artistic dimensions according to your imagination.
Considering that the Naskh script requires diacritics as a support of clarity, and an embellishment factor that adds joy to words, emashq provides you with the appropriate diacritics for this script, and also furnish each line with its own diacriticals to ensure harmony between the components of the image.
You can also combine two styles in the same painting, like professional calligraphers do to give their artwork particularity. As you can see in this example below, the user of eMashq opted to mix the Naskh and Thuluth scripts in order to add more elegance to the word “Jamal” (beauty).

All this work, tools and options are online and without downloading any software, which makes your artwork speedy.
You may think that the Naskh style is only suitable for copying and ordinary writing, but if you go over and above this idea towards the skyline of creativity, you’ll find that you are able to draw the most beautiful calligraphies using the wonderful Naskh script. Even the ancient architects exploited it to decorate Islamic historical monuments, as is the case in the Alhambra Palace which is one of the most famous Islamic monuments. Its columns, ceilings and walls are decorated with words and supplications in Naskh and Thuluth script.
Be sure that the experience will be amusing and useful!
But if you don’t have enough time for that and you see that it is the suitable calligraphic script for the logo of your clients’ company, or for the titles of his advertising magazine… Don’t hesitate to request this service from our professional calligraphers! Just send us the text and the proportions of the required calligraphy, maybe its purpose: A company logo, a Facebook ad, a birthday or wedding congrats… and we’ll do the work for you.
We do not draw Arabic calligraphy… We draw ART.
Take a look at some examples of application areas of eMashq calligraphic styles

To discover the rest of the Arabic calligraphic styles that emashq presents and to reach proficiency in using this program, follow us on:
Or start your experience by starting your free account on eMashq